Introducing Clay
I really wanted to do a project in November about nature and at the same time introduce the kids to clay. My daughter is always a huge help because she's full of new ideas and always working on things at school. At school she saw a program called "Dinosaur Rock" and brought home some fossils and rocks. I thought it would be a great idea to mix clay with nature.
Nature Fossil
- Crayola Air Dry Clay, Rollers (Clay Tools), Leaves, Twigs, Pepples, Grass etc.
I first spoke to the children about Dinosaurs and showed them some of fossils that my daughter had brought home. I had them pass it around and examine the fossils. We spoke about bones, prints and about things that are left behind that help us remember the way things were.
I had them play with the clay and showed them different ways to work with it. How to roll it, smash it, pinch it and cut it. Our job was to make it as flat like a pancake so it would be our platform to stage out twigs and things. After I had the kids press in all the different things found in my garden. They had a great time and were in a rush to take them home.

More Turkeys!!
Just a few pictures of some the turkeys me and the older kids worked on. There really excited about Thanksgiving. Really easy project. We cut the body out of brown construction paper, one circle and one peanut shaped. And added feathers, eyes, feet and a beak. I let the kids go wild and get creative. I put tissue paper, yarn and markers on each table. And let them turkey around!