Orange and Green And All Of Those Things!
Pollack Inspired Pumpkins
-Paper cutouts of pumpkins, Paint and Aluminum foil
I think aluminum foil is so cool it's inexpensive and great to use for shinny backgrounds. I had the kids splatter paint on their pumpkins and popped foil in the back. And Viola' spooky, shinny pumpkins!

Watercolor Resist
-Oil Pastles, Watercolors and Paper
This was a free drawing class. I had the kids draw Halloween pictures and they painted over them with watercolors. Some of the pictures were pretty spooky and silly.

Pumpkin Men Cutouts
-Stock paper, Crayons, Felt, Yarn, Fruit Loops ( Optional: glitter, buttons, tissue paper.)
I wanted to make a border for my bulletin board and thought oh Gingerbread Men! So I made gingerbread men but with pumpkin heads. Added fruit loops for eyes, yarn for the mouth and had kids color in. We added a bit of organge glitter for sparkle.

Leafy Cardinals
- Cardinal cutouts, Crayons/Markers, Hole Puncher, Glue and real leaves.
I had the kids decorate birds with caryons and markers. Then glue a real leaf for the wing.

Inspired by Artist Joan Miro
Their never too young to look, listen and learn! I introduced the children to artist Joan Miro. Miro was a Spanish painter who created colorful and abstract paintings with shapes of colors and lines. His works are often referred to as surreal. But to young eyes, Miro knew about colors and shapes! Surrealist paintings are based on dreams or fantasy.
I taught the children all about the artist Joan Miro. And I asked these questions:
Ms. Sarah: What makes this art?
Preschoolers Response: It has color, shapes, it's on paper ( it is pretty!)
Ms. Sarah: If you were an artist what would you name this painting?
Preschoolers Response: Yellow and Blue, The Blob, Happy Face and Star Dream.
Ms. Sarah: What kinds of things do you dream about?
Preschoolers Response: My family, The sun, toys and rainbows
I asked the class to draw a picture of a dream they have had, to make a motion painting. To cut out shapes, make symbols and use color to express how they felt.
My Bulletin Board
-Inspired By Miro
Fantasy Trees
-Newpaper strips, card stock, decorative paper, scissors and glue
This was in the same week that we discussed the artist Miro. The children made recyclable trees out of newpaper.Then cut and pasted lots of circles and ovals.
Tissue Paper Suncatchers
-Contact paper,Tissue paper, Felt and Yarn
I really liked this project. It was really cute watching the kids work with small materials and stick on pieces. I guess what they learned was that sometimes when creating art you have to be gentle.
Watch Out MoMa! We have some future Picassa's

Good News
I brought a new Camera today! I really love it. I cant wait to show you all the beautiful work the kids are creating. I'll be sure not to loose this one. Haha
Love & Light
Ms. Sarah